Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Forum...and an Apology

Dear Town Residents:

I apologize for not being able to be at the forum this evening.  I really want you to hear what I have to say.  I'm certain my absence will be used against me in this campaign.

Just so all of you know, Joe Reilly set up this forum.  When he did, he did not contact Marilyn Gauger, Diane Herried or I about when and where it would be.  Two of the three of us cannot be there for this.  It's a shame and a disservice to our community.  All it would have taken is a phone call or email.  I'm traveling on vacation with my family and I am leaving this morning.  This trip was planned since before Christmas.

So, I sent an email out to all the candidates on Monday AM to request a forum the last week of this month.  I received a response from only Marilyn and Diane.  They are both available anytime that week.  None of the other candidates responded.

So, I'll return late next week and I'll jump back into the mix, but you had to know that I made an effort to hold a forum where all could participate.  But maybe this was the plan all along, set a date with the hope that some of us who oppose "them" could not be there.

On a positive note, I probably have more information about how I think and feel about issues on this blog than any other candidate in the history of Vernon.  We usually make decisions on candidates based on a flyer stuffed in a mailbox.  My thoughts and feelings are here for all to see.  There are two years of posts here for you to get to know who I am. 

I would be honored if you choose me to lead your town!  Either way, please vote April 5th!




  1. Diane,
    First, you did a great job at the forum. What’s more impressive is the fact you were the only candidate that did not get the question three weeks earlier! Dave you’re running for CHAIR! That position pays more for a reason, the people want someone who can run a meeting and keep control of the meetings (unlike Fred) So, you might want to quit saying “Following Tom’s Lead” It tells us you are just another lap dog for Tom. Another helpful hint NEVER mention your opponent is” Aerospace Engineer “ never let the public know that he is by far more intelligent then you. So, Tom, Dave is your hand pick opponent to run against Mike. So, you back everything Dave is bringing to the table? I’m just trying to get this right…..Dave wants to get grants ……to lure a limousine business into the Town ……so we can give the Town Drunks a ride home at closing time(Free). So…. If I am correct your vision of the Town is--- Move to Vernon were if you party too much we will give you a free ride home and don’t forget we DO NOT ALLOW FIREWORKS.

  2. Tom “YOU ARE SCREWED”! First for the record I’m concerned about our ground water. That being said, let’s start from the beginning. Kurt at the last Town Meeting issued apologizes to Mr. Johnson, owner of Johnson Sand and Gravel. See Kurt, I can say that because there is actually proof of that happening, unlike your statement about Johnson Sand & Gravel. Mr. Johnson accepted the Apologize. A side note to Mr. Johnson, I thought it was a horrible apologize and if I was you I would still Sue him. Unless he made a written statement to the papers! For the last 5 years, this group feels they can say & make up anything they want and not be held accountable. Kurt found out real quick that he better watch what he says and now Tom is about to get the same lesson. Apparently, the Kashian’s have just been informed of Tom’s claims of Toxic Waste on their property. They have been able to watch a couple of DVD on this matter and once again they are not pleased! So, Tom, I hope you have proof of this because you could be setting this Town up for a Lawsuit. The good news for the Town is Tom did talk about (Along with Bill) at the Forum which could mean that they could be sued as Individuals, they were not agents of the Town at that Time. So, Tom, I’m alleging (that is how you start statement that you don’t have any proof of. Check with Kurt, he has a law book) you made those statements up. Monday you have a meeting with the DNR I’m looking forward to your statements. Remember the meeting will be recorded. So I can’t wait to see how you bring up the TOXIC WASTE at the Kashian’s property. But don’t worry if the Kashian’s aren’t present. I don’t think anyone from the Town will mail them the DVD because you have treated everyone in Vernon & Big Bend with Dignity & Respect! I mean who would want to rat you out, it’s not like you done that to other people. RIGHT!

  3. I have a question for anyone that would care to shed some light on this topic, my question is;
    "Should the town board be acting on the dpw union contract considering things in Madison are not completeley decided and 3/5 of the board are up for election and the chairman is not running for re-election?"

  4. I don't know why the town board would be having a closed session to discuss this contract right now. Are they trying to get it done before the election? That would be scary. I'm sure they're just laying the ground work with the DPW to understand the parameters. It does strike me as odd too.

  5. I do get the impression they are trying to hurry up business. At the Meeting of Electors Feb 17 only 9 people were there to vote Village Zoning powers (yes, that means 10 people can undo the decision at a future meeting.) Then they could hurry up and have the hearing the following week on the ordinance, and then vote on it.

    Since we have a well-known Meeting of Electors in April, that would have been a better place to hold a vote. But correct me if there's some reason they have to be separate.

    The zoning ordnance draft wasn't published on the website, I browsed it in person. Now that I've had a chance to read it at leisure I can see plenty of detailed changes vs county zoning.


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