Wednesday, March 30, 2011

And Now the DPW...

Here we go again folks…last night the town board held a closed session meeting, here is the agenda:

Contrary to what is indicated on the agenda, the clerk and DPW director were NOT invited to attend. The labor attorney DID attend. The result of this meeting?

Two DPW employees were laid off by the board!

There was NO input from Doug Salentine the DPW director before or during this meeting! This is absolutely infuriating. ONCE AGAIN, THIS BOARD HAS ACTED UNILATERALLY WITHOUT INPUT FROM ANYONE! No public input, no public agenda to see what issues we might be having, no input from the full time DPW director; NOTHING!

Is this leadership? I think NOT!

Please vote Doble, Gauger and Herried on April 5th! Enough is enough!


  1. I am told that Dave Link and Paul (last name?) were laid off. This leaves the DPW without the five workers needed to do crack filling this spring. Yes, this "leadership" that we have has created another mess. I hope those of you that support the incumbents on this board are proud of your decision. I'm really upset about this!!!

  2. It seems like there is suddenly the need to save money, spend 400k on a fire truck and 40k consultants and then cut dpw staff to help pay for it.

  3. To quote Supervisor Bill Craig for all the blasting of the Village of Big Bend's finances..

    Now it looks like the Town of Vernon is one road project away from bankruptcy... Nice going Bill!!

    When is someone going to do a true open records on the Town's Finances and see where the money is going...


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