Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Well, well, well....

I have to tell you that this is certainly suspect.  I've been working very hard to keep my mouth shut and let them continue to work for the Town's benefit.  But this really concerns me:

What's to say they didn't have the consultant change the report to meet their needs?  Where's the integrity in this process?  I'm disturbed to say the least and expected more from our Board.


  1. Mike,
    Have you thought about running for Town Chairman? or Supervisor? The town could use a person like you to get thing's turned around.

    It may be to late for a joint fire dept. but there are obviously honesty and integrity issues that are causing problems within the town.

  2. Mike, You will get more from the town board. More bull.

  3. Bill Craig was right...When you have integrity on one side and none on the other you can have a $25,000 plus consultants report and who will believe it?

    $5,710 budget differential...$5,710.
    Now we all pay!

  4. Chief Bucholz spent $12,000.00 for soap and this Town Board spent $25,000.00 for toilet paper!!

  5. The Town has posted the consultants report on their website (there is a link posted below). It looks to me that they got their monies worth 177 pages. We can talk more about it next year once they figure out what to do with it.

  6. Mike,
    As the saying goes "no news is good news", probably not the situation in this case...

  7. Anyone out there? Notice how T.B. handled the equipment bidding? Look into it if you aren't aware of it already. And he expects the Town to let him and the "Boys" run Emergency Management!!

  8. So how does a citizen find out how TB handled this bidding? If I call a Supervisor/Chairman will I get an honest answer. Is there some written information I can get? Think this was in closed session.

  9. Bird should resign along with the others who voted to go down this road of destruction on this once model fire department. Vernon residents get ready for mutual aid - maybe Muskego would hook up with us for a price - Mukwonago FD is probably stretched too thin - keep your lawn hoses out and warm this winter - you may need it!


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