Monday, September 13, 2010

Happenings in the Town

There are a couple comments to my last post requesting more information and how to find out more of what is going on.

Here is what happened last week, the Town and Village held a meeting to bid on the equipment in the fire department.  Basically, they were to tell the Fire Board what gear and trucks they would like to buy.  Those pieces with one buyer were awarded to the only bidder.  Those items that had two bidders need to go to the next step in the process which is for each community to prepare a sealed bid.

The Town did not bid for most of the miscellaneous equipment (communications equipment, office equipment, AV equipment, department furnishings, etc.), so the Village ended up being awarded most of this equipment.  The big stuff stuff still needs to be bid on (most engines, ambulances, etc.). 

Word has it (unverified by me as of yet) that the Village acquired most of department small equipment for about $250,000.  If the Town has to purchase this equipment new, it is estimated to cost approximately $800,000.  (A good example of a piece of equipment that I know about is the new washer in fire station #3, it was purchased new two years ago for $3,500 if I remember correctly; the Village just bought it for $264!)  I am working to verify all of this right now....more to come!

If you want to know more, the best way is to pay attention to the newspaper, go to the Town Board meetings (or as an alternative - watch it on TV, CH 25) and go to the Fire Board meetings.  I'll do what I can to pass the information on to people that pay attention to this blog.


  1. $800,000 might be on the low-end!

  2. Rumor has it that Bird try to change the bid after finding out he checked the wrong box. It was a simple mistake that will cost the town hundreds of thousands. He should be more careful how he uses the power bestowed upon him.

    Or maybe it's just karma...

    Link to the Mukwonago Chief;

  3. This is on Thursday's agenda

    j. Creation of a Town Board Rule to exclude Town Board Members, other than the Town Board Member on any specific Town Board Committee, from attending that Committee’s Closed Session.

    Why is there a need to exclude a Town Board member from anything related to the town, sounds like they are having trouble covering things up...

  4. You know, I have to say, that folks should be able to make mistakes. It happens. BUT on something THIS big there should be more than one set of eyes. Who was helping Tom get this done? Despite my comments, which are quite public, I really blame the whole Town Board for this mistake and, indeed, this whole mess. I'll say it again, get citizens involved in government with expertise in these areas; I've offered more than once to Tom, Fred and Joe when he was in office.

    In summary, I'm pissed off!!!

  5. The agenda for the 9/16 Board meeting was amended with this added: "Creation of a Town Board Rule to exclude Town Board Members, other than the Town Board Member on any specific Town Board Committee, from attending that Committee's Closed Session." Curious that Fred Mihalek added this item after the Monday, September 13, Appraisal Review Committee meeting adjourned without going into closed session. (I believe the Chairman is the only person who can amend agenda at this late date). Me thinks something smells rotten.

  6. All I can say is ALL Town Board Members should resign, except Supervisor #1.
    I can't beleive what they have done to the people of Vernon.

  7. Newcomer question: I've heard someone mention DVDs of the town meetings. Where are these and how do I view them? There is no cable service in my subdivision so no ch.25. I try to keep up by reading all the agenda and minutes.

  8. Erik - If you would like to view the recordings of the meetings, send an email to the town clerk and request a copy of the meeting on disk. Be sure to mention the specific date. Her email address is:

    If you have interest in these happenings, there is no susbstitue for being at the meeting. You can much better guage their demeanor and attitudes.

    Next meeting for the town board is 6:30pm tonight! It'll be a very intersting meeting.

  9. If only they would have LISTENED to the people and had a referremdum on the February primary as requested at ameeting in January, the town would't be in this situation.
    Also at the Annual meeting if they would have LISTENED to the majority of the people who were concerned citizens and attened the meeting, where there was a MAJORITY of people who voted AGAINST the split up of the Fire Dept.
    We wouldn't be in this HUGE financial situation, with the loss of all of the equipment, we lost last week.
    Did any of them read page 90 of the McGrath $30,000, plus report. Where it says" VERNON, be prepared to BID??????????"

  10. Recall, recall, recall.

  11. Hey Mike,

    Here is some of the stuff the Village got for their $286,000

    one ambulance complete with all equipment
    all the radios
    all the pagers
    all the turn out gear
    all the hose
    all the lockers from station 2 and 3
    all the SCBA's new and old including masks
    the cascade system for filling the SCBA's with oxygen
    washing machine
    jaw of life
    other cutting tools
    everything in the chief's office including the computer
    everything in the assistant chief's office including the computer
    various items from the secretary's office
    all the computer programs for documentation and reporting

    shall I continue...... Of course, because Tom Bird is my hero and is going to cost me lots of money.......

    various items for a pumper truck
    audio/visual items from the meeting room
    the trophy case
    smoke machine
    all the unopened turn out gear
    and much much more......

    WOW WHAT A SALE!!!!!!!

    and fearless leader Fred feels this is just a clerical error.. No this was a Tom Bird error. The man who decided that it was a good idea to attempt to cheat and commit fraud by getting up at the meeting and signaling to Deputy Chief Hayes that he needed to change his mistake after the bids by the Village were all ready opened and were being review.

    Hey Tom, you da man....... You can cheat and lie for me anytime because you are the master...

    And shame on Deputy Chief Hayes for trying to go along with it and doing what Bird wanted to do... You should be a shamed.....

    So Chairman Fred, you feel you can do this cheaper than the Village... Ok.. Here are some prices for you...

    Start with replacing an ambulance... Fully loaded with equipment.. $200,000

    All the SCBA's you lost out on.. $4,000 each
    60est x $4,000= $240,000

    Turnout gear complete.. $2,000 each

    50 sets x $2,000= $100,000

    I'm up to over $500,000 so far..

    Radios at $2,500 each x 25 = $62,500
    Pagers at $400 each x 50 = $20,000
    cascade system $80,000
    washing machine - $3,500

    and I could go on and on........

    My point is the that the Town is going to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for Tom Bird's mistake.. If this was a business, he would have been fired...

    Look at what the Town Board has done and what is yet to come....

  12. But I thought Super Supervisor Bill Craig said this whole thing would cost $50,000. You mean that was a line of B.S.? Who'd a thunk it!


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