Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Break-up of the Town Fire Department

As predicted in my last blog post, last Thursday the Town Board voted to dissolve the joint fire department.  I sent a message to the Town Board requesting an explanation.  I copied many of the people that I thought might have the same concern on the email, including Waukesha County District Attorney Brad Schimel.

Since this message I've been contacted by the Mukwonago Chief and Waukesha Freeman and have made a statement to them.  Here is my position:

I'm not sure how I feel about this decision by the Board; I honestly have not been provided enough information by our town leadership.  All of the discussion took place behind closed doors.  I have a real problem with this type of decision being made without the electorate (that's us!) being informed.  Brian Paff was unfairly taken to task by some on the Town Board for closed door dealings, now the same people do this?

What do you think?  Please pass on the link to this blog so others in the Town of Vernon may comment as well.  The people in this town need to be involved in decisions of this magnitude.

Link to this blog: http://afterthewakeup.blogspot.com/  Cut and paste then email to others you think may have a concern.  I think the Town Board sometimes only hears from those that have time to be at the meetings to provide public comment.  You can make your voice heard too.

Here is a copy of the email I sent out to the Town Board:

Community Leaders - I understand that you have voted to terminate the Fire Department (see the attached). Can you please let me know how you intend to provide fire and EMS service to the Town after 12/31/10?

I have to admit, I'm concerned about this. I'm told by my insurance company that if our fire rating drops from a 9 to a 10 that my homeowners insurance will increase by at least 30%. This means about $1,100 per year for me. I'd appreciate a response in writing or email.

In addition to my concern about fire and EMS service to our community, I'm deeply concerned about the lack of public knowledge of this action or that you even considered dissolving the department without public comment. I question the legality of this action, but I'm not an attorney and I have an open mind.

DA Schimel - I ask that your office investigate this action and respond to the community. The entire discussion of this matter was in closed session with no public input or comment. An agenda item that states "issues regarding the Intermunicipal Agreement" is much different than dissolving the Fire Department as per the attached. The agenda item stated:

"16. MOTION TO GO INTO CLOSED SESSION. Consideration and possible action on a motion to Convene into executive session under Wis. Stats. 19.85 (1)(e): Deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session, specifically issues regarding the Intermunicipal Agreement for Creation of a Joint Fire Department and a Joint Fire Board and a Joint Fire Commission between the Village of Big Bend and Town of Vernon (Hereafter referred to as Intermunicipal Agreement). Included in Closed Session Town Board Members, Town Clerk. Motion needs a roll call vote."

All town meetings are recorded. A copy of the recording can be obtained by contacting the Town Clerk at 262-662-2039.

Thanks in advance to all of you for your time in responding. I've copied everyone I can think of that might have a concern about this so that they know you are working on a response and there is no need for them to make a duplicate request. I'll share your response with all.

Reserving judgment and giving you the benefit of my doubt,

Michael P. Doble, P.E.
W.249 S.7180 Center Drive
Waukesha, WI 53189
[Email address deleted to prevent SPAM]


  1. Shortly after sending my email I received a letter from the Town in my mail explaining why they did what they did. This would have all been great things to talk to the public about BEFORE a decision was made. I'm really sorry, but I take great issue with being ignored by politicians. Are we not intelligent enough to provide thoughtful input? Does this have to be done behind closed doors? Is this legal?

  2. Mike, I wanted to make sure this was added as a comment on this blog. Thanks for doing this.
    I have to say I have enjoyed my time away from Town politics but I have kept up with what is going on. In the past month there have been two closed meetings that I don't believe were legal, the last one being followed by a vote to dissolve the joint fire department. It seems that Big Bend bent over backwards trying to get a compromise on the budget issue. Having finally done that and making everyone believe that the Fire Department would remain joint, the town board goes into closed session and comes out to vote and dissolve the joint department. I listened to Mr. Reilly preach for years about transparency in government and making sure the citizens are informed as to what is being discussed at the meetings. Then they turn around and have these questionably legal closed meetings and make decisions that will affect every member of this and neighboring communities without any public discussion what so ever. I hope the residents who voted for these individuals are happy with the monster they have created. I would consider running for office again but I don’t believe there is enough support to over through this regime of good old boys. So until there is we will just have to watch as they continue to destroy the relationships we have with our neighbors. I was against consolidation for years because of the different directions the town and village wanted to go but because of the changes in the law allowing for different taxing districts for up to ten years and the fact that our new board has decided to move backward instead of forward, I would strongly consider it now. I still don’t believe there is a need for a central sewer system; there are plenty of alternatives out there that could be and should be utilized that would still allow growth but have that growth paid for by the developers and not the residents.

  3. I was very disappointed that I received a letter from the town on December 22nd stating the boards case and that in 2 small windows on Dec 22 & Dec 23rd I could discuss this matter. I don't think that was reasonable enough time to discuss this matter. I opened my mail at 7 pm on Dec 22nd and had already missed the window to discuss for that day. I also had plans Dec 23rd so I couldn't make it then. This is a MAJOR decision in our community and should be discussed in the open.

  4. The final line is the people on the board work for us if you don't like what they are doing let them know you will not be voting for them and see how that works out.


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