Saturday, April 3, 2010

Recall? I don't think so...

NOT TRUE: Rumors have circulated that VRSG is planning to recall Fred Michalek, and only Fred, from the Town Board.

This must come from a statement made by me at the 3/31 VRSG public meeting when I said that I would not hesitate to initiate a recall if things don't change. I also said to the group that I've told Fred directly that if our Town Board continues to operate as "out of control" as they have, that I would be the first to sign that recall petition for Fred. He is our chairman and is in charge of the meetings after all.

So, why this post? Someone walked away from our VRSG meeting spreading the rumor that our next more was to recall Fred, and only Fred. I just want to clear up a couple things:

1. Fred Michalek is a good person and deserves our respect – no recall is needed at the moment. So we’ll continue to respectfully disagree with his position on splitting the fire department and his lack of control of how the board meetings are run. Most of us believe that Fred is an intelligent enough leader to get into the facts of splitting the fire department, contemplate the consultant’s report (when it comes out) and seek council from those that understand the complexities; then make a rational decision. We hold out hope that he changes his mind and supports a renegotiation of the joint fire agreement with Big Bend.

2. VRSG is only focused on the election at the moment – we have no plans for any recall. AND no, we did not put out the “Reilly Must Go” signs; not quite our style.

3. VRSG will continue to work after the election to supply information to residents so they can get the other side, and “the rest of the story.”

So there you have it! If you have questions about what I said, please call me: 414-708-9466.

Remember: Write-in Herried and vote Singert on Tuesday!


  1. The "Reilly Must Go" signs we placed by Vince Siegel owner of American Fireworks and Novelties

    Reilly lead Bird and Michalek to outlaw firework sales in Vernon, now you can only have sparklers on a stick without getting a special permit from him, I mean the town board. (30 days in advance)

    Reilly is responsible for the fact that the town will not be gaining 10's of thousands of dollars of revenue from firework use permits and $1000.00's of dollars in property taxes from our store.

    The Fire Dept and Sheriffs Dept had no issue's and no citizen's had complained about our sales.

    Reilly needs to go!

    He is out of control, all the scare tactic's, endless agenda item's, fire dept issue's and legal fee's need to stop!

    Elect Singert and Write in Herried!

    Reilly needs to go! and take Barikimo!

    Vince Siegel
    w228 s 7080 Enterprise Dr.

  2. Mike,

    With that article in the Mukwonago Chief about Big Bend possibly going with Mukwonago for fire service, has the Town of Vernon lost its option of going back to a joint fire department? Because what the Town Board did, are we on own now???

    I also see Assistant Chief Brian Peterson and Deputy Chief John Kubacki are endorsing Joe Reilly and Kurt Barikmo. Have they been promised control of the Vernon Fire Department and that is why they are endorsing??

    Wasn't Kubacki arrested for drunk driving?? And isn't Brian Peterson in line for a Chief job in Greendale??

    What is really going on in the Fire Department?? I can't believe that with all these charges against the Chief that Peterson and Kubacki weren't involved in any of it. They seem too like the little goody two shoes trying to cover themselves.

    And the sign I saw on National Ave just down from the Citgo Station about Firefighters supporting Reilly and Barikmo. Are all the Fire Department Members supporting them??

    Just a thought I was wondering about...

  3. While it’s possible that we’re on our own now, it’s certainly not a done deal. I’ve spoken to a few people in Big Bend and they are exploring all of their options, but they have not decided on a course of action. I’m pretty comfortable that if the town approached the village to honestly and fairly come to an agreement, then they would jump at the opportunity to do what is best for both communities: a joint fire department.

    That being said, our town government needs to move quickly to figure out OUR best option before it’s too late. It’s clear that our current town board has NOT examined the cost of their decision: at the last board meeting (fools day, 4/1 appropriately enough), Tom Bird presented some “off the cuff” numbers for a possible new department. OFF THE CUFF!!!

    Here’s a message to the town board:


    My God! I’m appalled at their lack of understanding of what they are doing. Mr. Bird’s statement that he had taken a look at some numbers “off the cuff” made it clear to me that this issue has nothing to do with what’s best for our town and have everything to do with CONTROL! If this issue was about what’s best for the town, they would have looked at the costs for the town BEFORE going down this road.

    It took me about three hours to contemplate the numbers. I took the 2009 fire department budget and went through it as if the department was “town only”. After looking at the numbers it was clear to me, going alone is going to cost us more money. I’m guessing about 14% more. That’s about $63,000 more with no chance of this cost ever going down… (That’s the great thing about the funding formula, as Big Bend develops and adds property value with sewer and water, our share of the cost continues to go down. This insulates us from the inflationary nature of the budget.)

  4. Ugh…I really didn’t want to go down this road……

    About the firefighters endorsement, I don’t believe that firefighters support this board. I just don’t. They may say they do (internal pressure maybe?), but I just can’t imagine any good reasoning as to why they would. It just doesn’t add up. These are the guys who for years have been screaming to get the politics out of the firehouse. Why would they now put the politics front and center in the firehouse? I personally feel that it would have been more professional for them to remain silent on the issues. Provide the information requested from the board, but remain silent on the politics. It’s unfortunate.

    As to the charges, it’s a sticky issue and I really don’t care to discuss in detail. I’ll just make a couple comments though – one of the charges relates to the fire marshal not getting all of his inspections completed and allegedly falsifying reports. You need to know that the fire marshal reports directly to the assistant fire chief. Brian Peterson has been the assistant fire chief for several years.

    Now, I know nothing about this issue other than what has been in the newspaper. If nothing else, Brian Peterson should have exercised better control over the fire marshal if his work was not getting done. Please note, I have not said or implied that Brian Peterson has done anything wrong, in fact, I think Brian brought the “pencil whipped” reports to light; I AM saying he should have had better control and have done a better job making sure the fire marshal got his work done.

    There’s more to comment on, but I’ll stop now…I’m sure most of you get my point.

    For those of you that don’t get the idea…my point is this: fire departments are run with a chain of command. Yes, the chief is in charge and should bear the burden of the department’s errors, but the entire chain of comment bears responsibility to make sure the department is successful. The ENTIRE chain of command!

    I really didn’t want to go down this road – these guys should not be picked apart for expressing their political opinion. I’m just making the point in response to your comment; there are A LOT of problems in our department and I believe nobody in the chain of command is entirely clean. Hindsight is 20/20 though. Peterson and Kubacki are good guys and are dedicated to our department and for this they deserve the benefit of the doubt, but I think the road that they are on is misguided.

    If they would have asked me, I would have advised them to take the professional high road and stay out of the politics and support the chain of command.

  5. Did you read the latest in the Mukwonago Chief?

    The town board has still not answered this question:

    If Big Bend does not contract with Vernon, how much will fire service cost us each year?

    Hmmmmm...per my comments above, they have not looked at the costs yet. The town board's actions have been in haste and we're going to pay the bill!

  6. Town of Vernon – "You're going to send us right to the poorhouse," said Vince Siegel of American Fireworks, after hearing that the Town Board would not allow the sale of fireworks in the town.

    After long discussion about whether to allow fireworks sales in the town, the board eventually voted to prohibit such sales after Aug. 1. An upset Vince and Heather Siegel were escorted out of the meeting hall by Waukesha County Sheriff's Department deputies before hearing the board's final decision that will allow the Siegels to conduct their sales this summer.

    A number of American Fireworks supporters spoke in favor of the sales at the board's April 30 meeting. The Siegels planned to build a fireworks store in the town's industrial park.

    Big Bend-Vernon Fire Board member Mike Dobel said there have been no violations involving fireworks in the town.

    And according to Fire Chief Phil Buchholtz, there is nothing in the department's records that specifically pinpoint issues with fireworks in the past five years.

    "We should encourage business in the town," Dobel said. "It's the only way to broaden our tax base and keep taxes down."

    An emotional Heather Siegel, co-owner of American Fireworks, told the board she and her husband, Vince, love Vernon and hoped to stay in the town to build their dream.

    "The planner did recommend our store for approval," she said. "We are proposing a beautiful store … We have everything into this. It is unfair of you to pull the rug out from under us now."

    Vince added that he has not heard any objections to fireworks sales in the town and said the store he was proposing would promote growth.

    Of all the public comments that evening, only one spoke out against sales in the town; however, Chairman Fred Michalek said many residents had indicated to him that they did not want fireworks to be sold in the town.

    "This is not something I came up with on my own," he said. "I respect the residents, and that's what I'm responding to."

    Supervisor Gary Finch noted that none of those people came to the meeting.

    Both Finch and Supervisor Bill Craig thought the board should allow the store.

    "They have a business started," said Finch. "We're committed to them as far as I'm concerned."

    Craig told the board he had spent time going over past Plan Commission minutes.

    "The Plan Commission not only seemed to sanction but encourage the sale of fireworks," he said. "From there, the Siegels invested (in their business.)"

    Michalek and Supervisors Joe Reilly and Thomas Bird all voted in favor of no longer allowing fireworks sales in the town. Craig and Finch voted against the motion.

    The board later voted to amend their original motion to state the new ordinance, which will no longer allow fireworks sales, would become effective Aug.1, thus allowing the Siegels and Tom Hein of Freedom Fireworks to sell fireworks in the town this season.

  7. elect:

  8. Motion carried unanimously!


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