Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Town Bears the Cost? Huh?

Village of Big Bend development of the I-94/Hwy 164 interchange has been cited by the Town of Vernon Board of Supervisors as a reason to dissolve the joint fire department. This was stated in the letter to residents dated 12/18/09.

I did a rough guesstimate for the potential increase in assessed value on this interchange based on what I know might occur when sewer is available. Conservatively this increase in commercial assessed value is $30 million. Potentially more, but let’s be conservative.

Based on the 2009 budget [considering tax derived monies], the Town contributed about $365,000 and the Village about $71,000 to the fire department operating fund. If everything else remained the same (i.e. residential value, population, etc.) as the interchange develops, this proportion would change to about $358,000 and $77,861 respectively. Hey we’re moving in the right direction.

I admit, it’s not a lot, but citing this as a reason to dissolve the joint fire department is absurd. The reality is the biggest cost for development on this interchange is not going to be fire and rescue services, it will be police services which are a Village issue. Keep in mind also that fire and rescue services are charged to the user; they don't necessarily impact the budget.  Based on the equipment on hand and the proposed development plans I've seen, the fire department does not need to expand.  What costs?

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