Friday, September 17, 2010

Town Board Listening Session!!!! Finally!

MONDAY, 9/20 - 7PM!

All the Vernon Town Board is finally holding a listening session.



Monday, September 13, 2010

Happenings in the Town

There are a couple comments to my last post requesting more information and how to find out more of what is going on.

Here is what happened last week, the Town and Village held a meeting to bid on the equipment in the fire department.  Basically, they were to tell the Fire Board what gear and trucks they would like to buy.  Those pieces with one buyer were awarded to the only bidder.  Those items that had two bidders need to go to the next step in the process which is for each community to prepare a sealed bid.

The Town did not bid for most of the miscellaneous equipment (communications equipment, office equipment, AV equipment, department furnishings, etc.), so the Village ended up being awarded most of this equipment.  The big stuff stuff still needs to be bid on (most engines, ambulances, etc.). 

Word has it (unverified by me as of yet) that the Village acquired most of department small equipment for about $250,000.  If the Town has to purchase this equipment new, it is estimated to cost approximately $800,000.  (A good example of a piece of equipment that I know about is the new washer in fire station #3, it was purchased new two years ago for $3,500 if I remember correctly; the Village just bought it for $264!)  I am working to verify all of this right now....more to come!

If you want to know more, the best way is to pay attention to the newspaper, go to the Town Board meetings (or as an alternative - watch it on TV, CH 25) and go to the Fire Board meetings.  I'll do what I can to pass the information on to people that pay attention to this blog.